312 Alumni Avenue
Harleysville, PA 19438
Phone: 215-256-6900
Indoor lunches are served Monday through Friday from 12pm to 1pm.
Reservations are required for all lunches. Please fill out a lunch slip or call 215-256-6900 to make your reservation. Reservations are due by 1pm the Friday before the week you wish to have lunch.
Our Lunch Menu is now part of a combined Menu/Programming Calendar document. We hope that as you plan to visit our centers for lunch, you will consider attending some of our programs. For more information on any of our programs, visit the Programming Page on this website.
Encore Experiences is ServeSafe Certified.
Meals are subsidized by grants from:
Aging and Adult Services of Montgomery County
TD Bank Foundation
W.W. Smith Charitable Trust
VNA Foundation of Greater North Penn
Local businesses and organizations